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Spiritual life began at my father's house, a religious Jewish home. While some of my friends went to play after school, I went to learn Torah with a rabbi. First encounter with yoga occurred at the age of 17 during the martial arts course. As I trained for the ‘black belt’, yoga instructor was invited to prepare our spirits for peaceful awareness. This meeting became transformational, connecting sky and earth for and in me. Since then, 1976, I have neither inhaled nor exhaled without yoga.

I joined the military service with yoga books in my backpack and every spare minute was dedicated to either reading them or contemplating on their essence and life implications. In 1979, after completing the mandatory military service, I went on a search of yoga path and a teacher who would show me the path.

My first teachers were students of Maharishi Mahesh – Yogi of Meditation. Then I studied with many nameless and unknown teachers and teacher's courses of Rachel Solberg, Orit Sen Gupta and Donna Ullman followed. In parallel, I have studied philosophy and mathematics and later, was engaged in the advanced degrees studies in philosophy and architecture at the Haifa Technion University. Throughout this time, I have taught yoga to about 21 groups per week.

My teaching of yoga was in the spirit of vinyasa and meditative flow. Meetings with John Scott in England started from 1996, where asana and vinyasa took the form of Ashtanga Vinyasa Series, which practice I have deepened during my stays in Mysore, India, studying with Pattabhi Jois.

During those years I had also began the integration of the essential yoga aspects: philosophy, meditation, and asana. This integration followed the new stream in philosophy – philosophical counseling. Becoming a member of the Philosophical Counselors Association, I had served as a an assistant-teacher in counseling in the Haifa University, Faculty of Philosophy and Education. I was also involved in the work and meetings with the teacher and colleague Dr. Jean-Marc Mantel – founder of the Spiritual Psychiatry association, which objective was using the trio – psychology, philosophy and yoga – as a therapeutic tool.

These years were the ground for establishing a yoga teachers’ school, a school which would train people to create their tools to investigate life and yoga, its essence and meaning and further share the knowledge and show the path to others.

Teacher training courses take place in Israel: Michmoret and Tel Aviv, and during the summer in South Africa, Cape Town.

gong awakening

How do we keep the love, and the stillness…how do we stay on the path

The Gong Awakening application offers a sound of a gong, reminding us to

do our inner work, like a teacher in the ashram, only this teacher is with

us where ever we are, being our inner ashram

It will wake us up with the sound and the sutras that are a product of a dialog

with the endless wisdom that passes through us with love

gong awakening

to contact us – [email protected]